Monthly Archives: September 2023

Submission to the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry

To the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry.

Please tell us in your own words what happened to you. The Inquiry is investigating the period from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2022, but you do not need to provide the exact dates and times when things happened. You can take us back to the start and tell us everything you think is relevant, or you can just tell us about one thing that happened. For the Inquiry, the most important thing is that we hear about what matters most to you.

From 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2022, I was a scientist living in Aberdeen, Scotland and publishing my science advice on the internet which, if followed, could have saved many lives from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Before, during and since that period, the incompetent institutions of the UK, including the devolved Scottish Government and its institutions, had ignored, did ignore and still do ignore my advice and that of many other scientists.

I have even been taken political prisoner and repeatedly threatened with such for doing my duty to promote my high quality scientific advice as more worthy of consideration than the prejudices of UK officialdom, such as police officers, judges and government ministers.

Instead the BBC promoted and still promotes the views of those who were and are complacent about the incompetence of UK institutions.

The United Kingdom is institutionally incompetent when dealing with new global challenges such as the coronavirus.

Scientists warned them. President George W. Bush warned them. The film “Contagion” warned them. Bill Gates warned them.

Did they listen? Did they prepare? Did they react promptly? Did they adopt best practice from countries which did react promptly, like South Korea?

Or did they continue the UK’s anti-science fascist habits of a lifetime and continue to pervert the course of justice, recklessly to obstruct medical scientists in the course of our duty to save lives, even threatening to take scientists as political prisoners to stop us blowing the whistle on wrong-doing and mismanagement?

Thank you for telling us about your experiences. What were the impacts of these experiences on you or people you know?

So then did the UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, his health secretary Matt Hancock and the next in line for coronation, Prince Charles, catch the very pandemic virus they were warned about?

They survived but my cousin was not so lucky. He died from his Covid infection, as did so many.

But what matters most to me is not one death but that this contemptible United Kingdom would rather injure or jail a scientist like me for expressing science’s contempt for UK officialdom’s pandemic-spreading lethal incompetence than to allow scientific advice to be given robustly sparing no blushes and excusing no-one who is at fault.

Perhaps the UK would rather kill scientists doing our duty than allow us to save thousands of lives if that means ending the UK per se in the life-saving process?

The UK seems to me to care little for the lives of the people but is concerned mostly with its own survival as a kingdom.

An inquiry after a great loss of life is simply a box-ticking exercise designed to whitewash the guilty monarch and her/his supporters to allow them to move on with pomp and ceremony to the next great loss of life for which they will also be to blame.

What lessons do you think should be learned from your experiences?

EVERYONE entering Scotland during this pandemic should have been tested and quarantined, including those with a sound legal reason and right to enter Scotland – such as Scots returning from visiting friends, relatives or business associates in England.

If England fails to control a pandemic outbreak that is no reason for Scotland to suffer equally by keeping the border between Scotland and England wide open, as it was kept open until it was much too late to keep Scotland coronavirus-free.

That means adding roadblocks with diversions to managed quarantine facilities all along the Scotland-England border and at all other ports of entry into Scotland.

Mitigation measures in indoor public spaces against the spread of viruses should have included –
* Mask use for all
* Good ventilation
* Air filtration / purification devices
* Carbon dioxide monitors
* Indoor ultra violet lights to inactivate airborne viruses
* UV protective wear – sunglasses, sunscreen lotion, hats etc.
* Closure of all public indoor spaces without adequate mitigation measures

All the preparations for effective quarantine and mitigation procedures and facilities should have been done years ago as part of pandemic preparedness, but of course wasn’t done because the United Kingdom is totally clueless.

The vaccine should have been rolled out much faster, in weeks rather than months, by boosting production and vaccination efforts.

We, the people, should disinfect this world against the coronavirus and against the coronation virus, by never again rolling out the red carpet for any fool who thinks a royal family is an appropriate institution or that a constitutional monarchy is any way to run a country in this day and age.

We need to elect republicans who don’t pander to incompetent and fascist kingdoms, who don’t meet with any monarch or royal family member but who are willing to fund only those police and military sworn to do their republican constitutional duty to fight to rid our land of the incompetence of monarchist misgovernment.

But we have seen from the recent coronation of King Charles that the coronation virus is still spreading, proving that UK institutions refuse to learn from science and from scientists of independent, republican mind.

If this inquiry does not blame Queen Elizabeth, her son Charles, now King, and all the House of Windsor’s royalist supporters for representing and perpetuating the royalist, anti-science, pandemic-spreading misgovernment problem then this inquiry will have failed to get to the whole truth.

What could have been done better on any day before, during or after 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2022 is that we, the people, could have gotten rid of the monarchy, overthrown the United Kingdom, set up nation-state republics, established public service broadcasting services with a duty to educate the public against the folly of monarchy, to educate the viewers and listeners never to support royalist politicians or officials but instead to oppose the monarch as the best way to protect the public from pandemics and other global challenges.

Further lessons to be learned can be read in my coronavirus blog posts which are all published on the internet at this link

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